Charske II Grants Approved

The Board of Directors, United Way of Rockbridge (UWR), recently approved a second round of grants with funding from the estate of Ellen Charske. Ms. Charske, who died in 2016, was the benefactor of United Way’s Charske Fund. She was known for her sense of humor and her intellect. However, it was her kindness and concern for her community that sparked this gift to help others. Her generosity is the epitome of reaching out to others through a bequest.

As mentioned in her obituary, she loved Lexington, especially Collierstown, and all of the people she met in both places. To recognize Charske’s love of this community, the UWR board has chosen to fund one-time special projects or programs for area nonprofits, including special equipment needs, with emphasis on projects highlighting children and adults.

Members of the Charske II grant committee were Deb Pollard, Paul Robblee, Carole Elmore and Janet Lemmer. The committee members reviewed and recommended to the UWR Board 5 grants totaling $40,000 to area nonprofits.

·         Yellow Brick Road Early Learning Center will be using their funding for outdoor play materials and equipment to enhance outdoor learning experiences.

·         Blue Ridge Legal Services anticipates a temporary increase in staff time, due to the effects of COVID19 on the court systems.

·         Rockbridge Area Community Services operates four residential group homes for adults diagnosed with developmental disabilities and will purchase evacuation stretchers for each facility in the area.

·         Project Horizon will be able to make critical roof repairs.

·         Skyline Girl Scouts will provide scholarships for girls in the Rockbridge area.

For 70 years, UWR has raised funds and provided financial assistance through its annual allocation process and special grants to fully vetted worthwhile projects and safety net organizations in the community.